So It looks like they don't want you to see the answers unless you pay them... surely there must be a way around that? (a legal way even?), well thats take a look at that text, it seems to be being obscured some how, maybe an image with a checkerboard pattern white vs transparent ... CORRECT!
So step 1) is, block 'http://css.experts-exchange.com/xp/images/answerOverlay.png' Either using adblock or something similar.
So now lets reload as see what we get...

(the screenshot above will look slight different to your view, because I chose to block all images, its's easier)
Now that may look like random letters to the un-trained eye, but to the seasoned geek that code can be cracked in a nano-second.... it's rot13!
Step 2) copy and paste and then rot13! (just use rot13.com, you might need to disable java-script to allow you to copy and paste)
This one goes out to the geniuses at experts-exchange for charging for knowledge that should be free and then doing a crap job at keeping it hidden.
Hope this helps everyone out.
- Xen